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World Travel Chat (WTChat) provides a digital environment that opens up opportunities for travel associations, national tourism administrations, tourist information centers and travel businesses to work together to boost tourism development worldwide.
Promote travel destinations, share best practices and attract partnerships amongst verified members only.


Welcome to WTChat- your B2B platform in the sphere of travel services!
Welcome to WTChat- your B2B platform in the sphere of travel services!
Find new partners, share experience, create communities, participate in professional events, and expand the audience to promote your destination.

What World Travel Chat can do for your business or organization?

Road to the Chinese travel market

WTChat is developing with the support of the World Tourism Alliance (WTA). The project is coordinated by the Supervisory Board formed by the WTA association members. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board is the General Secretary of the Chinese Association of Travel Services, Sun Guizheng.

Finding partners in China, both for hosting travelers in your country or sending your travelers to China, requires a certain process, which may deviate from your typical practices. You would have to find a messenger for communication, overcome the language barrier and prove your credibility. WTChat has the tools to deal with all those potential issues.

Help finding verified partners around the world

Promote your business or organization by becoming visible to travel professionals. Create a profile with all the relevant information, enhance it with information about your travel products and market them through a special offers page.

Provide communication tools

With WTChat, you can contact any organization around the world, create group chats and share best practices with your community. On top of this, remove the language barrier by moving communication with current and new partners into our chat with the auto translation service.

Gives access to the audience to achieve your promotion objectives

Run online and offline events and send digital invitations to WTChat community members from around the world. Whether your goal is to promote a certain travel destination or share a personal business story, WTChat provides access to the audience you need and provides the tools to run an organization’s events calendar.

Speed up the processes and save costs on business travel

It may sound surreal now, but our project challenges the traditional way of establishing business contacts from “in person only” to the online acquaintances format. Moving communication to a digital format also makes achieving agreements faster and doesn’t force you to wait for a certain offline event to start building connections.

Our uniqueness

We bring travel associations from around the world together

We aim to connect various travel associations from around the world and provide facilitation for cooperation and travel development. By running negotiations with travel associations and signing the agreements, we understand which associations provide the best care and professional support for their members. By attracting such associations to WTChat, we provide the opportunity for sharing best practices and agreeing to create joint projects for boosting tourism development worldwide.

Unique verification process for travel professionals

When looking for partners, it is important to know whom to trust. And while you make your own decision for partnerships, the verification process matters. Thus, you cannot simply register your business or organization on WTChat. The personal login and password is distributed to association members only. This is done because we believe that being an association member means that you conduct business respectively.

The professional business to business platform that works everywhere

While some of the other platforms are subject to restrictions in some countries, our platform opens up professional networking opportunities without borders.

All kinds of tourism community members on one platform

We are working on attracting local guides, transport companies, souvenir shops and department stores, tour operators, national tourism administrations and tourist information centers to create profiles and become available for attracting partnerships. And while every big goal takes time, we are positive that the content variety will be unrivaled at the end of our mission.

Secretary General of the China Travel Service Association

Sun Guizheng

5 steps to start enjoying the benefits of digital marketing with World Travel Chat

1. Go through the verification process

Whether you are a travel association, national tourism administration or a travel business, you are obliged to go through a verification process which differs depending on your role on WTChat. After the verification process is completed, you will get access to the platform from our administrator.

2. Create a profile for your business or organization

Add any relevant information you like about your organization and enhance it with media content. You can also add travel products to your profile and emphasize their differences with special offers and unique stories.

3. Search for partners around the world

Share best practices with other travel associations, find incoming and outgoing tour operators and other members of incoming tourism attractions. You can search through company profiles, travel products or special offers in the various regions in which you are seeking for partnerships and networking.

4.Communicate, create communities, share stories

We have a chat feature, which will automatically translate your messages into Chinese or from Chinese languages. You can create group chats, add your managers to the communication and build connections before meeting in person.

5. Organize events for WTChat audience in order to achieve your promotion goals

Whether you are a national travel organization, tourism information office or a local business, you want to attract travelers to visit your destination. Enjoy the digital format of running conferences and the ease of sending invitations, or use the audience attraction opportunities for offline events

Contact us


Kindly indicate how other should see the name of your organization in Latin alphabet only. In many case brand name and official name are different.
License or registration number, if any. Under condition there is no such a thing in your country - put 0
©2024 World Travel Chat